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Sunday, June 04, 2006

a HARD problem

Yes, it's definitely a hard problem.

Many, yes, many, many women I know are taking Fosamax to strengthen their bones. And now there are reports that there's a dangerous side effect, which makes life very difficult. The doctors don't even know how to treat Osteonecrosis, a serious bone problem in the jaw.

I first heard about the medication from a friend who takes it. It seemed frightening and dangerous. The patients must stay on their feet, in a very specific regime after ingesting it. That sort of thing makes me very suspicious. And of course doctors have been prescribing it enthusiastically, even though no long term studies show its safety. All the people who have been taking it are the study, though they didn't realize it at the time they began.

There must be better ways to treat osteoporosis. One way is prevention, not being too thin. I'm OK there, never having had that problem. And weight-bearing exercise is very important, and that's for all of the bones. So I had better improve my exercise regime, since one can't change one's genes.

I'll finish now and get ready to go to the pool. It's the grand opening for this year. I'll tell you all about it later!

And if you need one, the modern "ambulance chaser" is easy to find on the internet.


  1. Anonymous4/6/06 09:02

    My sister-in-law takes this medicine and it is very helpful. It doesn't treat it, it helps build the bone and prevent it as she ages. Both her mother and grandmother suffered broken bones because of this and she fought with the insurance (yes even in America they have to fight) to get a bone density test. After they agreed that she was in a lot of danger, she was given Fosamax and her family doctor is in awe of the fact that her bones are improving. You have to be 'on your toes' and start early to get the real benefit.

    You should have a bone density test as soon as you can to see if you need treatment.

    Shavua tov!

  2. In the meantime, bli eyin haraa, I'll stick with exercise and food.

    two things I really like


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