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Monday, June 05, 2006

Keeping fit

To look at me, you wouldn't think of "fit" as the right adjective. There's a bit, OK, lots too much of me, to put it mildly. But I do try to stay active and eat healthy food, even though I probably eat too much of it, healthy or otherwise.

If you'd ask me "What's the best exercise?" I'd have to answer "a variety."

I think that the best way of being fit and reducing (limiting) injury is to do a variety of activities (note that I didn't say exercise) each week. Remember that repetitive movements can cause all sorts of tendon/ligament damage. Also every small change in movement affects the muscles differently, and you want the maximum stretch and strengthening.

My latest "weekly routine" includes:
  • walking
  • swimming
  • basketball

I'm happy if I find myself being forced to walk up steps, too. They "kill me," which is a sign that I don't "do" them enough. There are no steps in my house, and the front stoop only has a few, not enough for fitness.

I invested in a pool membership for the summer, even though I may go to the states for a couple of weeks. When I have a membership, it forces/encourages me to go as often as possible, even for just 15 minutes. I exercise in the water, including stretches and "twisting," more easily than I can do on land.

Walking is easy and fun, as long as I'm not schlepping. And of course my newest addition, the basketball game is fantastic. We don't play an aggressive game, nor very competitive, no counting of points. We do sweat, and the blood comes to my face, better than any commercial facial. Yes, didn't you know that it's good for rejuvenating the skin, all that blood? Reaching for the ball is a great stretch, and it's all done with a smile!

G-d willing, I should be able to continue all this for decades...


  1. We just bought our summer pool pass. I am excited about being able to walk to the pool and swim some laps!

  2. aaah, how good to see someone approach fitness in a healthy way. it's all about getting the blood moving, getting your muscles to do what they do best, and keeping your joints well-oiled. how we do that - well, the sky's the limit. hey, i guess that's what you're doing playing basketball - reaching for the sky, ey?

  3. Not quite reaching for the sky, since my passing specialty is more like rolling the ball, but at my age, just bending is an accomplishment.

    Thanks, really.


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