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Monday, June 19, 2006

shoes, croc or not?

I heard a rumor that "Crocs" are really cheap in the states now. Here in Israel they're a good $55 (plus) a pair, a bit high for something that may not be all that comfortable; though my son swears (if you'll excuse the expression) by them. Where can I get a good deal, when I go to NY this summer?

I also need a good pair of shoes for basketball. Mine are too flexible; though that's what I love in a shoe. I'm starting to suspect that it's not that great when playing. So strange, since we grew up with ordinary "keds" type sneakers for sports. And I was always a barefoot dancer, modern and folk. I also suddenly need a "slight" heel. I am getting old.

Even though I've been in NY three times in the past year, I really didn't do any shopping and haven't the vaguest idea where to get the best prices.


  1. Anonymous27/6/06 23:10

    You might want to look into ordering CROCS online and having them shipped to the hotel or home where you will be staying in NY. You could purchase the shoes on Amazon.com or Zappos and avoid the local sales tax (which can be quite high depending on where you will be staying in NY).

    By the way, my 14 year-old niece loves her CROCS so much I never see her wearing anything else anymore.

  2. Thanks, are they really less that way? I understand that the sizing is strange, so I'd have to go into stores to know what's best.

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  4. Here in Colorado, where they are made (Boulder, CO), they run about 20-25 USD. I have tried them on, but just can't get past them being comfy... It's just me, I'm that way about certain things.

  5. Thanks, that's what I'm afraid of. I'd hate to spend a lot and suffer.

  6. Anonymous17/7/06 06:28

    go to super runner's spot, or whatever it's called... it's on lex and 89th, here in manhattan. they have all the colours, and htey're about 29.99, no tax

  7. Thanks, that's a good price!


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