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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Was I too nasty?

First, just a quick note: Since Sarah made me a new banner, I realized that I had to do some other "renovations" and chose a new BlogPatrol counter. I hope it matches the ambiance she created. Good timing, since just recently they added some new ones and also redid their site.

On Friday, while taking a break from pre-Shabbat kitchen stuff, I was in the den on the computer when I began to smell something burning. 100% confident that I hadn't left anything on the stove, I didn't even check the kitchen. Yes, that was risky since Thursday night the week before, I had smelled something burning when I was in bed, and it ended up being the beef, which I was 100% sure had been left on a very low, the lowest flame, for my husband to turn off later. The last I remembered had been adding some sweet, cheap wine and telling him to turn it off before going to bed. It took a week to get the pot, an expensive French one we had bought in England or Europe 30 years ago, clean enough to use.

Busy blogging, I tried to ignore the smell, but then I heard the "crackle" of fire real close to me. It was hard to see out the window, which is blocked by leaves, so I ran to the merpeset (terrace) and saw my next door neighbor busy burning the dry weeds between our houses. They really are nice people, had even asked if we would mind their getting goats, which we enthusiastically agreed to. But this was Friday, noontime, and I had two washes on the clothesline, and most of our windows face towards where he was burning weeds. I very nastily told him off. He was very apologetic as I gathered the wash to bring to the laundryroom for another session in the machine.

As far as I was concerned, that was it. He wouldn't do such a thing again, and I had no time to dwell on it.

Later in the afternoon, they surprised us with flowers and wine.


  1. at least it wasn't your shabbos food burning! still, rather annoying.

  2. true, but maybe I should have been nicer


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