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Monday, June 26, 2006

Ye olde Russian remedy

That flu I had been kvetching about turned into one painful ear ache. Last night at a neighbor's Bat Mitzvah celebration, it was only since I couldn't hear from one ear that I was able to stand the volume.

I like quiet music and miss the pre-amplified days.

But back to my ear ache...

I must admit that I wasn't an innocent victim, since I was in the pool in the morning and don't use ear plugs. Last year, I almost bought a pair, but the thought of stuffing my ears with some "things" got me too nervous. It was almost as bad as my nightmares about putting little plastic circles on my eyes, gevalt!

So I jump into the water bare-eared, what's the big deal? Last night I paid for it. By the time we returned from our monthly trip to Kever Rachel, I was in serious pain. Of course, seeing the "renovations" our morally perverse government has made to the once pleasant city next to Jerusalem didn't make me feel any better. Jewish vehicles now drive though a concrete, open-topped "tunnel" the get to the heavy gate of the walled in tomb. If you haven't been there for a few years, or only know it from the pictures, please prepare yourself. It's like going into a prison.

Again, back to my ear...

Baruch Hashem, I'm not frequently cursed by ear infections. The last one I remember was well-over ten years ago, brought on by a winter flu. That time, in total desperation, I went to the doctor who prescribed antibiotics. The infection was cured, but the fluid build up stayed for months, which apparently is a side affect of that kind of remedy. There's no way I'd be able to fly to NY next month if suffering from that.

So, last night as soon as I got home, I decided to try the remedy that some Russian immigrants once taught me.
  • Put about a half cup of coarse salt in a frying pan
  • heat it
  • spoon it into a cotton or wool sock
  • hold the warm compress over the ear until it cools
  • repeat periodically, until "cured"

I also took a couple of Acomol, used in Israel instead of aspirin, before going to sleep. And, you shouldn't be surprised, I do, Baruch Hashem, feel much better today. And I will buy some ear plugs. Does anyone have any recommendations?


  1. I've been told that GARLIC olive oil can have antibiotic properties. Ask someone who is into homeopathic stuff for info on how to go about it. I'm remembering a dropper and olive oil into the ear, but I would get a second opinion.

    Feel better.....

  2. Thanks

    The salt heat seems to have helped, and I did sleep through the night, B"H.

    I won't jump in the water until I get good ear plugs, too.


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