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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Busy Busy, but no parties

Still on a posting limit. Other things to do.

Tonight I'm going to make two shiva calls. It seems like an epidemic of neighbors losing parents. Most have been sitting shiva quite a distance away, so I haven't gone. But one is sitting at home and another came home for Shabbat, for his son's Bar Mitzah. That's right he's sitting shiva for his father, and his son's Bar Mitzvah, date decided thirteen years ago at birth, is dab in the middle.

It just reminds us how little control we have over things. And yes, one can travel during shiva. I have friends who've traveled between Israel and the states in order to sit shiva in both places. Usually the funeral and early shiva with the family abroad and finishing shiva home in Israel.

It's a very complicated situation. My parents, ad me'ah v'esrim, are still alive...

Shavua tov


  1. My Mom passed away a few years ago on Chol HaMoed Pesach, in chutz La'Aretz. Because of Yom Tov, and the extra day that Chutzniks keep, I had to spend three of the Shiva days in Chu"l. One day flying left me a mere three days here at home. I was amazed at how many people managed to come in the very short period of time in both places!

  2. Yes, gets very complicated.


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