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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

and back at the ranch...

I just got back from a great ol' cookout!

The occassion was a "chanukat habayit," housewarming a neighbor made after buying a house here in Shiloh.

Yes! You read that correctly. She bought a house. Honestly, people are buying, building and enlarging houses in Shiloh.

We don't care what Olmert has said. He can choke on it! He can and is choking on Lebanon! He's losing support, the support of his party, the army, the ordinary citizens. People are waking up to his dangerous policies. Too bad they needed such punishment to start thinking clearly.


  1. Anonymous17/8/06 02:56

    Good...I'm glad he's losing popularity. He sold out...so did Bush!

  2. Yes, but Bush is "lame duck," and there is no such animal in Israel's Knesset. One can "always" be re-elected ad nauseum.


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