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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

just one bite

It's so hard to eat "just a little" the "good things." Not long ago a dieter told me of his "downfall." He had bought a package of ice cream, reduced fat, but still, more than a small portion was well above his permitted treat. Since it was a large box, it was a good deal financially, and he figured it would last him the summer, if only a couple a times a week, he'd take just a small portion.

Hah! You know what they say about good intentions!

So we decided that if we want just a little bit of ice cream, we should just buy ourselves one portion, even if it's not dietetic. One limited portion is better than a whole tempting package eyeing us everytime when we open that door. Honestly! How much self-control do you think we have?

Apparently, some smart food manufacturers realized that there's a market for 100 calorie snacks! And it's a growing market. "Family-sized" packages are fattening, and extra-economical means spending more on larger clothes.

Buy smaller packages and eat less. That's the new diet trick!


  1. I love icecream (and all those other naughty things!) and have to agree with sarah - it's a very good idea!

  2. yes, especially when it's eaten far from home and the yummies never make it past the door

    I try to make a rule when I'm in NY to have some Hagen Daz ice cream in Penn Station, but only if they have my favorite flavor, mint. If there's none, then I pass.


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