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Monday, August 14, 2006

returning to myself

I hope that this is the end of jetlag. I've been having my usual
one night sleep
one night up

Usually the nights up are prefaced with a short nap, which can't be controled, since I've totally collapsed by 4pm, much too early for a night's sleep, and what harm could an hour's sleep do?

Yesterday that "sleeping on my feet" began a wee bit later, closer to 7pm, which was still much too early to sleep the night. So I forced myself to stay awake and then walked arournd the neighborhood. I didn't take my camera, convinced that it was too overcast for a nice sunset. Of course I was wrong; the sunset was amazing, but it may not have photographed too well, and I'm not into doctoring pictures to get better color etc. I'm not into doctoring them at all, being a purist at heart. I've taken supurb pictures with film cameras, and even the pictures I took as a little kid have excellent composition--in the days of black and white.

Eventually I allowed myself to go to bed after 9, setting my alarm for 8am, a good two hours after my latest normal wake-up time.

I remember getting up a couple of times, but got back to sleep, and I finally got out of bed and started the day before 8. Now, let's see what happens tonight.

But in the meantime, I'm catching up on all of my internet, blogging, email etc. While I was away, I rarely blogged nor had any computer time, so that I'm only on two "carnivals" this week, and here they are:
Havel Havelim #82
BOMS #141


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