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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Still jetlagged

I really thought that the jetlag was over, since I had slept so well and so long the night before, but at midnight I still wasn't tired! Though I really tried to go to sleep, tossed and turned--a real time waster!

considering how many hours I had spent on the computer, or both computers, "one for business" and one for games, all day, and the energy I felt--maybe my walk around the neighborhood was a bissel too late in the evening--I decided that the time had come to catch up on CHORES!

I folded the laundry while watching the second half of my newly purchased "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood." Double good news. The laundry got folded "Whistle while you work!" and the second half was better than the first!

...and then I managed to fall asleep
...until the alarm woke me up
...and here I am, coffee in hand, another load of laundry bouncing around with the sudsy water...


  1. two computers! i suppose it's good to separate work and pleasure.


  2. only one with internet, but the sans has games and other things

    oh, and Sarah, how do you get the picture to change? --don't tell me; I'll never understand!


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