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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Taking My Grandson On The Ferris Wheel In Tel Aviv

Well, it seems the Ferris Wheel has been around since 1893. I doubt that my ancestors in Europe ever saw one. But over 50 years ago my father took me on the Ferris Wheel at Fairyland (yes Virginia, in those days an amusement park could bear that name) on Queens Boulevard. In fact, if I remember correctly, my grandparents, my mother and my baby brother were all on the ground waving to me. I, being too young to know better, loved it. But my father came off the ride 'white as a sheet' or perhaps pale green and everyone was laughing at him and making a big deal about how brave I was.

Yesterday, I took my son and his family and two of my daughters to Tel Aviv's Luna Park. It's probably not much bigger than Fairyland and certainly nothing like great theme parks of the USA. But for an almost 5 year old and an almost 3 year old it serves very well. I could only convince my 5 year old grandson to go up with me. The 3 year old wouldn't try. As we held hands, rose way above the park and looked out over 'all of Tel Aviv' together, I hugged him and we waved to his mother, dad and baby sisters.

I was so happy to be looking out over Tel Aviv and holding my grandson that I didn't even think about being afraid of the height. I'm sure my dad was smiling on us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure he is, and he's very proud of you and your entire family for sure!


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