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Monday, September 18, 2006

Empty-Nested Rosh Hashannah

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This year none of our kids will be home for Rosh Hashannah, and I've been pretty slow about getting guests. Not too many, so far.

The boys are in the states. Married daughter will be with "the other side," and the two other girls made their own plans.

I remember the years when our table held a minimum of a dozen, and a couple of extra tables extended through the living room.

Yes, that's life. Four more days to find guests.

Does this mean we'll have a quiet year? I'm praying for the "good" type of "excitement."

Shannah Tovah
Gmar Chatimah Tovah


  1. you have a whole yeshivah near you... i'm sure you could find some guests there ;)

  2. Looks like a couple of guests and a couple of invitations; all old folks like ourselves.


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