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Monday, September 11, 2006

I am being realistic!

I certainly don't expect to be as fit and energetic as I once was or all the young people in the pictures which I have been trying to post, but apparently, there's trouble with blogger.

... I have resumed my exercise class with Chaninat Hashem, a neighbor who teaches women's classes here. I took her class two years ago, but somehow last year I never got my act together to register.

It's horrifying to discover how "unfit" I've become. Just this morning, she gave an exercise which I once did so well... but I was the worst in the group, and there's even someone older than me! Yes, flab and inflexibility can happen to anyone!

Luckily I remembered the lessons I took from Allan Wayne (Cohen) when I was in university. He corrected "mistakes" in dancers. Those two years with him made it impossible for me to accept instruction from anyone else for 35 years, until I tried Chaninat Hashem's class. He stressed proper alignment, the relationship between the shoulders and pelvis, and doing the exercise properly, even if it looks like you're doing nothing! With time you'll be able to do it better without endangering your body.

Evne though I'm not as fit as I once was, I'm no cripple, B"H. How many people really are as fit, strong and energetic as theyd like to be?

I'm trying to put together a nice varied exercise regime.
  • Sunday night= basketball
  • Monday morning= exercise class
  • Wed. morning= swimming (ok exercise in the water), even though they raised the price at the Neve Yaakov pool and won't be giving discounts.

and I need something else, too.

I'm starting to doze off, but I did have a busy day, since after the class, I traveled to Beit El to teach. B"H, went well. Then I took the kids' school bus to Ofra to take my granddaughters from teh baby-sitter and watch them for awhile.

I'll just do spell check so you won't think me a total retard.


  1. busy!

    maybe for the something else just schedule in walks?

  2. problem with my heel, so I limit walking


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