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Sunday, September 24, 2006

It's the new year!

It's the new year, according to the Jewish calendar. There are those who say that however you start the year, what you do on Rosh Hashannah will project/predict the rest of it. Well, if that's the case, I'll be gaining weight. I ate too much. One of the "treats" I bought to serve for dessert was a coconut "sorbet," which is the creamiest parve (non-dairy/non-meat) anything I've ever had. "Rich's" fake creams make me nauseous, this stuff, just made me hungry for more!

Besides eating, or should I start this differently....
We didn't do all our eating at home. We were invited out for two of the four meals, and we had a different guest at each of the two we ate at home. So I guess that means that we'll have an "even" sort of social life. That seems good.

None of our kids were home, which isn't something new. I guess we have to stop "waiting for them." The tendency is to see "who's coming" and then make plans. Then sometimes it's too late to invite others.

On the whole, it really was a lovely holiday. The dovening (prayers) was very pleasant. I hope G-d is satisfied, too. The Rosh Hashannah prayers ask G-d to accept our "Tshuva," repentance as a nation.

Shannah Tovah
Gmar Chatmah Tovah


  1. glad you had a nice chag!

    the sorbets sounds delish :)

    we also had too much food (we usually have more people around) but we'll not have to worry about what's for dinner for a couple of days :)

    gmar chatimah tova

  2. Thanks
    Perfect that today's a fast day.


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