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Friday, September 29, 2006

Tons to do!

Yes I do
have tons to do!

It's Friday, and the house is a mess, and I have to get ready to tutor and go to the clinic and get ready for Shabbat and we have our niece coming and she'll stay for Yom Kippur, too. And on Shabbat we're hosting the annual Shabbat Shuva Shiur by Rabbi Dov Berkovits, since the neighbor who usually does it won't be home. And married dd plus family are coming for Yom Kippur, and the house really is a mess. Remember that this year Yom Kippur starts less than 24 hours after Shabbat ends. So at least I cooked enough chicken for the pre-fast meal when I cooked for Shabbat. But still there's tons to do!!

Last night we had Sunday night's basketball game, since last Sunday night was just after Rosh Hashannah, and there was no way we could get out. No surprise, that just three of us got to the court last night. We figured that since we were already there, we may as well spend 10 minutes shooting the hoops, but... once we got started practicing we found it so worthwhile and enjoyable that we continued until our usual closing time. Practicing is important and we don't have too much time for it usually.

Also, there has been trouble with blogger. Posts just don't go up quickly the past couple of days. I hope it's not because they're angry that I haven't signed up for the "beta." I don't want to since it involves, requires, more spies, which they call "cookies."

So, don't panic if you don't hear from me.

Shabbat Shalom
and Gmar Chatima Tovah


  1. good luck with everything, i'm sure it'll all be done in time!

    (blogger has been playing up... rather annoying!)

    shabbat shalom!
    gmar chatimah tova

  2. It's certainly not the beta thing as I haven't signed up for it and regularly have connection problems with it.
    My guess is that they need larger or new serves, we must be patient...

  3. thanks and thanks

    So it's an international blogger problem just as I'm writing a "use blogger" column for Israeli English teachers.
    ps there were some foul-ups in the text; you know that I write better than that!

    Shabbat Shalom! Back to the kitchen!!! and laundry and cleaning and...


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