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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wikipedia- good or bad?

When I write, I like to check my facts, and "footnote" with a link. It's one of those great techniques available when writing and reading online.

That's how I became acquainted with Wikipedia. Simply, it's an online encyclopedia, and it's free to use and link. The uniqueness is that it has a multitude of view points. That's because anybody can contribute an article.

Not everybody is as enthusiastic as I am, which is something I accept in principle. But to say that it's "Mao's Revenge" is totally ridiculous. Jaron Lanier must be too young to remember the mind control Mao demanded. Check out the "Mao link;" it's from Wikipedia, of course!


  1. I love wikipedia, they have decent polices combating prejudice and inaccuracies and it's just amazing how much info is available on any subject.
    The articles are written by passionates of the subject and are therefore infinitely richer in content than in a classical encyclopedia! I’m a fan.

  2. Thanks, good point!


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