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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fun, Games and Dancing, too!

I had some plans for this morning, to take care of things at the local clinic, but I was at a wedding last night and saw lots of old friends, and thought I was a teenager again. I found myself dancing more than I've been able to since I injured my heel last summer. Honestly, I didn't expect to be able to dance at all and wore my "spirit level 3" "orthopedic" shoes. I tried to hide them under a long skirt. Well, between the music and the company... So when I woke up, I discovered that there was no way I'd make it down to the clinic. The good news is that I can drink my coffee!

Great News!!
The Regegade Kosher Cook has officially announced that he's hosting #12 of the Kosher Cooking Carnival! Welcome to the KCC Family! Submission deadline is November 15, so please get your links to us, remember, anything kosher. And if you see any suitable posts, please send us the link. shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival, thanks, again. And if you'd like to host an edition of KCC, please let me know. It's fun and healthy, or at least as healthy as you cook it!

Back to the wedding, or...
How I got back from the wedding
Long-time readers know that I've been working on myself to stop "freaking out," getting anxious about how/when I'll get places. Last night's wedding worked out far better than I could have imagined.

Tuesday is my long teaching day. Six lessons (with those teenage boys,) no real break, finishing at 7:15 pm. Mission impossible, considering that I have the remedial crowd. Mother-of the-Bride told me to ask my fellow English staff for a ride, and after changing my clothes in the quick break between the last two lessons, I went with them to the wedding. We arrived just as the ceremony ended. I stowed my jacket and wheeled-bag at my table and went off to say "mazal tov" to my old friend.

Then, as I explained in paragraph #1, danced and ate etc. I was more than pleasantly surprised to see that I had been seated at a table with some very dear friends from different stages in my life, which made the wedding an added joy. But I had no idea how I was getting home. It seemed pretty clear that I could get a ride to the "trempiada," bus stop/hitching post, but I'd be too late for our last public bus. I decided not to even think about it. What was the point? It would only ruin my evening.

So, at around 11pm I found myself being dropped off at the bus stop. It wasn't very crowded. About a minute later a regional council school bus stopped. Lots of people got in, and I asked where it was going. To my great surprise, it was doing a "keep them out of strange cars" route, and it would be stopping at the Shiloh Gate, a couple of miles from home, but close enough. When I got out, I saw a van, and I was invited in. It was straight to my neighborhood, taking a young woman home from work.

Baruch Hashem, Thank the Good Lord

Now, I just have to be a good girl and stay off of my foot so it heals again.

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