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Monday, November 06, 2006

Can't complain about the rain!

That's true, since here in Israel, rain is considered a blessing and droughts poke their dryness out of the cracked earth much too easily. But I can complain that it got too cold too quickly. Maybe we should have taken our kids' advice and invested in one of those heater/cooler airconditioners. Never too late. The latest mundane dilemma is how to dry the laundry. Should I decorate the house with small folding dryers or should I splurge on electricity and use the dryer?

And if you're bored and want something really good to read, I have a couple of suggestions.

First there's the ever-growing Havel Havelim and there's BOMS, too.

Of course, you can always read newspapers, though they're depressing. Paper magazines abound, but they can be expensive. Try what you can online.

I also read books. Now I'm on the second Harry Bosch book. My daughter lent me two heavy "triples," with three of his mysteries each.


  1. It would be nice, though boring, if I didn't have to go to work...
    can't really complain

    Are you getting ready for your big move?

  2. Don't splurge on the electricity to dry the laundry - you will regret it when the bill comes in!

  3. planning to post my solution
    and try out photobucket


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