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Monday, November 13, 2006

Family and Thanksgiving

The next Carnival of Family Life is supposed to have posts about Thanksgiving.

Well, except for last year, we haven't celebrated Thanksgiving for 36 years. When I was growing up there were two events on Thanksgiving weekend.

One was my cousin's birthday. She's 6 months older than me; we're the oldest of the cousins and now we're the only two here in Israel, and we're the only grandparents. I remember delicious super-sweet birthday cakes from the bakery. I don't remember ever having those at home. My aunt would call out:
"Who wants to eat the flower?"

It was sugary, creamy and delicious, and I was the only customer.

Every Thanksgiving we went to Aunt Pauline's apartment, one of my mothers older sisters. (There were 6 girls and 3 boys in a his-hers-and theirs.) It was very crowded, and I can't tell you that I remember much about the food, except that we even ate in the bedroom, since we couldn't all fit in the livingroom.

Wall-to-wall family! Of course nowadays the term best describes the walls of my house. Honestly, what's the point of hiding family photos in closed albums?

PS photo update
I signed up with both flickr and photobucket (click on sidebar), free versions. I've learned how to do simple stuff on both, but just now I was going to use flickr to post this picture, and it refused, claiming that I had used my monthly allocation. Does photobucket have the same rule? Will I have to keep signing up under different names or just go back to the slow unreliable blogger for photos?


  1. I remember that! Your uncle George let you think you were the only customer. How could he take candy from a baby??

  2. i love your wall of photos...

  3. H, did Uncle George really eat them, too? They must be healthy, considering that G-d willing he'll be 88 on Jan. 1!!!

    Thanks marallyn!

  4. Uncle George stopped eating the roses when he realized just how unhealthy they were and that's how he will continue to celebrate many more birthdays!!

  5. h, not fair
    I wanted to think they they're the source of his long life!


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