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Sunday, December 24, 2006

bloggin' good

It was one of "those" days--good, bad, good, bad-- I guess G-d wants to keep me guessing. (I'll have to post my "adventures" another time.)

First of course for some good things. I published Havel Havelim, which you can find on both my blogs. I called it: The End of an Era!

Next there are now two Recipe Carnivals, besides my own Kosher Cooking Carnival. They are Carnival of the Recipes and Carnival of the Cooks. Both feature my recipes among many, many others.

Actually, my day started off very well, and HH#99 was posted very soon after the submission deadline. If you're curious, there is a secret technique. It's called "Give yourself a week to do it." Sort of like Brit Milah, the Jewish Circumcision ceremony, which takes place on the eighth day of a male baby's life.

HH is generally published on Sunday's, so as soon as the previous one is out, it's time to start on the next one. First plan the general "structure," and then fill in the blanks. Since it's supposed to be a round-up of the best of the week's Jewish and Israeli posts, obviously there aren't too many on Sunday. I do the actual writing in "word," since blogger isn't reliable, and it would mean saving in "draft." Besides saving the growing hh on the computer, I also use one of those "extra memory keys" or whatever they're called.

Generally by Tuesday I'm miserably depressed that "there's no way I'll ever have anything worth posting," so I start checking out the listings, like JBlogSphere.Net, JBlog Central and jrants. I also visit the various blogs who inhabit my sidebar to cull worthy posts. That's fun! And Soccer Dad sends me lists of links he thinks I'd like to include.

By Wednesday the posts are flooding my mailbox, and I hit my stride. Then I panic that "gevalt! There's no way I'll be able to find the time to read and write about all these posts." Then, miraculously by Thursday night I think, "wow, too bad I have to wait another two days, this looks like enough." Of course after that more posts arrive, and I find some more on my own.

By Shabbat, I'm more relaxed--no blogging and no computers. Saturday night the "word" document is itching to make its debut, but no, not yet, and I go to sleep. Sunday morning--the 8th day there are always a few more posts. And then comes the hard part, the cutting and copying and pasting and fine tuning as I carefully transfer it all to the blogs. Uploading pictures is frightening, since sometimes it works and sometimes not.

And is all of this worth it? If you like it, then it is. Volunteer by contacting soccer dad for HH and for KCC, I'm the address!

Now to get ready for the rest of the week!

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