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Sunday, December 03, 2006

A couple of other things

First of all...
maybe there's hope!
I'm sure I'm not alone among bloggers, secretly (or maybe not so secretly) yearning for a job that would pay me for what I do when I should be doing something else...
Right here in The New York Times it says that there are bloggers who've been given real jobs due to their blogging!
Candidates hired some bloggers to blog and paid others consulting fees for Internet strategy advice or more traditional campaign tasks like opposition research.
So, consider this my "want ad!"

And on another very different track...
What's a "chareidi Jew?"
Recently, I've been harassed by one.
To some people all Orthodox, whether Chareidi or just plain Torah Observant, are the same. But I must tell you that it's not the case, not at all. And I must admit that distinguishing between us all is very difficult even for us.
I know that in one community they opened a class for what was considered more "Torahni," but then they had trouble deciding on strict criteria, since a number of groups had contradicting criteria.
I think that a criteria which is not superficial is the most accurate. It's a hard one to test, since it's more emotional.
Even strict Torah Judaism has many "opinions." There are many rabbis in various streams. In my experience, the "just plain Torah Observant" recognizes the legitimacy of them all, while the "Chareidi" considers only "his rabbi" to be the only correct one.

Shavua Tov
Have a wonderful week
I must get ready for work!


  1. i'd be rapt if someone offered me a job as a result of my blog :)

  2. Sarah, darling, your fantastic graphics should be getting you jobs. I hope people realize that you did this banner for me and the Shiloh Musings one, too!
    I thank you again!


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