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Friday, December 08, 2006

a good tired, thank G-d!

Baruch Hashem! Thank G-d, I'm tired. I'm tired because I was at a few smachot, joyous events this week! An abundance of riches. And after I finish this I'll be too busy to blog, since married dd is coming for Shabbat with the family. Yes, again, since they're still "fixing the house." Trekker is their main worker, and he has been painting, so how could they possibly get ready for Shabbat? And then when it gets close to 4, he metamorphises into "Dod," the favorite uncle, and he picks the girls up, takes them home and is adored!

The Brit Millah, here in Shiloh this week, was to a family I've known since our Jerusalem days in Bayit V'Gan. The proud father and his brother used to play with my kids. Small world, of course. Mazal Tov!

And the wedding, son of other neighbors, also has a Bayit V'Gan connection. The chattan (groom)'s paternal grandparents were neighbors of the baby's father and family, way back when. There's also an uncle (and family), still on the same street, and I knew the aunt and remember their kids from then.

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We all still run into each other at all sorts of places. Yes, the world is very small.


  1. Anonymous8/12/06 10:48

    How nice to have such a busy week.
    Now were these channukah gifts on the top picture?

  2. That was at the wedding.


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