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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Is that the key? & Beta Not

Ezzie was bragging about hitting astronomical hit/visit numbers for his blog. Mine just doesn't seem to attract much of a following. Google's my biggest fan, and recipes are the attraction.

Luckily, I write for my sanity, not fame and fortune. It's a great release. My knuckles wouldn't survive a punching bag.

This week I must get started on the next Kosher Cooking Carnival. Yes, hint! hint! Either send to shilohmuse at gmail dot com or via blog carnival. And the week after that I have Havel Havelim. Am I crazy? Probably. Remember, I teach English to Israeli teenagers, male teenagers! That should prove it for sure. Honestly I love teaching teenage boys, at least most of the time.

Back to the topic. Hosting the carnivals doesn't give me that many hits, but I'm not quitting, at least not yet.

I think that Ezzie's "round-ups" have helped. I don't do it and rarely link other blogs; though I visit. And when I visit I comment a lot, or I try to...

That brings me to the "beta not" situation. The beta blogs are harder to comment on since they have these warnings about security problems, and I begin freaking out. Sometimes by saying I don't want to display secure items, my comments go up and sometimes not. I'll probably stop commenting when it gives me a run around.

You guessed; I'm not going beta on my blogs.

There's another comment problem. Some blogs demand "signing up," and I'm not joining any more things. I don't want any more passwords and user names. I just can't handle more; my memory's taxed. Sorry!

Maybe I should turn these periodic visits into "round ups" instead of commenting. Any ideas?

While I'm kvetching, I must say that sometimes I prefer emailing my links to carnivals, since it's quicker than using blog carnival, but some of the organizers only want blog carnival, and I've gotten nasty letters reminding me to "follow rules." There are lazy hosts who use the prepared line from bc. Yes, I can say lazy, since I compose my carnivals myself.

Now, to get dressed, doven, eat and then "tremp" to the pool and then lots of meetings, errands, etc! Busy day!


  1. I thanked, not bragged. :P

    Well, I also get a lot of hits from JRants, which is simply an advantage of having posts go up during the US workday. :)

    I don't if the roundups help or not, really. I just enjoy them, and like filing away good posts for myself for the future anyway.

    And who doesn't love the KCC?! :) My problem is I always remember which recipe I want to put up when I see that it's up...!

    Oh - you also have to remember that I have *much* more time to blog, especially when I was "in college". Even now, until busy season, I have lots of time at work.

  2. busy, busy!

    i got back last night so i'll have to see if i can schedule in time to post something for the kcc.

    and i try to put up posts during the US workday (even though it's usually a bit late here) so that they are seen then on jrants and the other blog aggregate sites.

    don't think i'm gonna go with the beta either, am happy with my blog as it is. who needs more complication!

  3. muse....I appreciate the trouble you go through when you comment. :) Suggestion: simply click OTHER, then type in your name and web page. This is how I comment here without it getting complicated too.

    ps. I just made a fabulous dinner tonight, you've convinced me to post it! ;)

  4. Thanks, you're all wonderful!
    How do I get into jrants?
    Ezzie, remember that even a monthly carnival is "ongoing" so any time you blog about food, kosher food, you can send me the link.
    emahs, did you know that you're the only of the three of you who hasn't guest-hosted KCC?
    Glad you're back Sarah!

  5. Id also most of the time chicken out when asked for accounts, passwords and etc.
    it would just get too complicated

  6. I've lost all track of things I've signed up for. I hope there aren't "cookies" stealing info.

  7. muse...........slow down there........I'm just submitting my first recipe and can't even do that successfully! Maybe next time after I get a little more familiar with whatever that means to "Guest host KCC" :) So meanwhile, as I said, how do I get the post submitted to you? I had trouble with the whole "Submit post" thing on the side of your site. It wanted something that i didn't understand, some extra codes or something. :) help, thank you!

  8. just email the link to me

  9. i also upgraded to beta and am still not sure if i like it better...

  10. Is it possible to de-beta?


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