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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Oh, O?

I've heard about blood types determining ideal the ideal diet for a person, but apparently, Japanese use blood types use blood types for even more things.

OK, yes, I'm an O, not a zero, since according to Japanese science/tradition, being O blood is something big. During my vegetarian years, I was told that as an O I should be eating meat, not carbs. People were amazed that when I resumed my carnivorous diet, I had no digestive problems. Everyone was sure I would. I guess my O chemistry welcomed the meat, instead of rejecting it.

Who knows? I always thought that my being a Gemini influenced my personality.

You know? Maybe it's all ridiculous.

I'm just me, for no real reason, just whatever.

Enough of all this. I have lots to do. Better turn off the computer.


  1. with all the things you do, i'm not surprised you are a gemini!!!...happy channukah my friend...oh...eieio

  2. mar' I remember that you're an expert in those things!

    Hey, Ez' are you too?


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