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Monday, January 15, 2007

and more about the buses

That email group I'm on is still talking about the super-separated buses. One person explained how traumatic it is for some men to see women, since they live in such all-male environments.

I just couldn't resist replying. Here's what I wrote:
Seems to me, that all this separation just makes it so that the slightest glimpse of even the most covered up woman just makes them think of sex, which is the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing. L'havdil, it's like all those people eating their 0% milk fat foods (you can't imagine how disgusting it tastes, all I wanted in NY was my usual 3% yogurt) and their cholesterol just keeps going on up. That's because if you undereat what your body needs in cholesterol, your body will over-produce it!


  1. Anonymous15/1/07 07:37

    I don't understand the male female separation issues. Recently, I read a woman was battered by men on a bus in Israel. Is that fact?

    I'm Jewish and would definately have a difficult time behaving like a second class citizen to appease men.

    No, I'm not married and is there any wonder why? ((smile))

  2. The bus business isn't Jewish law. It's nuts

  3. Anonymous15/1/07 11:09

    I completely agree - I've never understood the separate everything lifestyle. It seems totally unhealthy, not to mention unnatural and anti-Torah. Have they heard of Chava, Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, Leah, Dina, Yocheved, Miriam, all the bnot Tzlofchad, and on and on? It's a good thing that the male characters in the Torah were a bit more open minded, and didn't mind interacting with women...

  4. Recently, I read a woman was battered by men on a bus in Israel. Is that fact? This story was all over the e-mail & the Internet, including some JBlogs. The story was written by the woman to whom it supposedly happened. One of the commenters on one of these blogs said that the woman is known to be mentally unstable, & that she fabricates many things. So who's to know if it's true, & to what extent?
    I think it's important, Batya, that your blog doesn't become another one of those Chareidi-bashing blogs that unfortunately are so common in the J-Blogosphere. While some of your points are well taken, a comment like, "It's nuts" doesn't help promote Jewish unity, which we so badly need right now [as ever!]. My best regards. :))

  5. Anonymous15/1/07 16:27

    Intelligent retort.
    While it's good to help people refrain from sinning, it's not fair not to give men any credit and see them al as predators.

  6. Let's just try to see each other as people.

  7. The bumping.. oy

    The offenders, in this case of bumping, should consider their habits carefully.

    If it's a pattern; it's a pattern.



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