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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

and s'more visiting

I never quite finished last night...

Marallyn having one of those winter days...

NYC Educator rants about the unaffordability of housing.

Is a hotel Pesach a real Pesach? That's what the Pragmaticion is asking. There are many Jews being raised who know no other.

The Baleboosteh isn't sleeping well alone with their three precious stones when hubby is in hospital. Refuah Shleimah!

The Modern Uberdox reflects on blogging after a two week break.

Stacy found a Jew at Costco.

And I just found a "new for me jblog," jew-ish by someone in the process of becoming a Jew. Read about the thoughts in choosing a new name. Actually, the name I use is one I "chose myself." I guess I ought to blog about it sometime.

I didn't mention it, but now I will. My husband was away for two days.

Cosmic X has some bad, but expected news. Shmitta is coming, and it's going to be tougher for many of us. Gevalt.

I just got a call that I have an early ride to the pool! Must get ready!

So try visiting all these nice blogs and send my regards please. Just mention that the muse sent you!


  1. Anonymous31/1/07 07:58

    Thanks for the link! (it's a new blog to everyone, I've only been writing for about two weeks.)

  2. Thanks for the link
    It's true that there are children who associate Pessach with a trip and a hotel.
    Sad is not the word but deprived may be.

  3. Do they have Costco in Israel? If not, how do you live without it?

    Thanks for the mention!

  4. emily, I'm then proud to help introduce you to all the jblog crowd.

    my pleasure, prag, yes, I agree. Pesach isn't "vacation;" it's an important and significant Jewish Holiday.

    and, nyce, though we have all sorts of American chains here, I don't think there's a costco. We have our own discount chains. Come and visit to see.
    my pleasure, of course


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