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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

trying to upgrade

I've noticed for a long time that there are lots of bloggers who know how to "cross things out," as they write. I even copied something which showed up crossed out, but I couldn't remember how it looked in the html. So now, I will experiment.

I just put a comment on meryl yourish, and the comments there have all sorts of "clicks," which offer text "enhancers?," so I'm going to try something....

How's this? OK, it worked, but I don't know the shortcut. What I did was ctrl/b, then in html, I substituted "strike" for "strong." It's a bit convoluted, and I'd greatly appreciate the shortcut. hint! hint!

Another thing I haven't figured out is how to use all those "things" in my post titles, such as links, bold, etc. While I'm at it, I recently saw that another blogger had a colored background under words. I'd love to know how to do that, too.

I'm thanking you all in advance, certain that someone will be willing to help me, please!


  1. Anonymous2/1/07 12:12

    Can't be of much help as It's been years since I used HTML seriously.
    As for linking in the title I think it's the same as in the post.

  2. You want to use $del$ and $del/$, without the spaces.

  3. (Change the dollar signs to <> )

  4. Oh, that should be /del. It's too early in the morning to be talking HTML. :)

  5. thanks
    I'll have to experiment

  6. < s >< /s >
    will also work in place of < strike >< /strike >

  7. thanks
    but there's no quick keyboard command?


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