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Monday, January 29, 2007

Tu B'Shvat cheer and Memories

Watch that almond tree grow and bloom!
thanks to Sara Layah

When we lived in Bayit V'Gan, Jerusalem, there was a large, old almond tree in an empty lot right near our apartment. Every year between Rosh Chodesh Shvat and Tu B'Shvat the gannim, nursery schools used to walk over to see the flowers blooming. It was a "neighborhood institution."

The winter before we left they started construction in that lot. The contractor destroyed the tree. People of all ages came from all over the neighborhood to protest and even cry.

"Hashkaidiya porachat," the blooming almond tree has never seemed the same to me since then.


  1. It is almost time for the almonds to bloom in California - when we were kids my parents had an almond orchard, and I love the smell of almond blossoms!

  2. and how is it in Hawaii?
    things blooming all year?


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