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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Two month countdown

full freezer, originally uploaded by shilohmuse.

Well it's two months before Pesach/Passover, and the freezer is too full for an empty nest like ours.

It's the perfect time to post about creative cooking.

Please send me the links for the KOSHER COOKING CARNIVAL. All the info is on the sidebar. Posting via flickr has its limitations. Plain text only! (I'm going to have to give in and sign up for beta if there's no improvement! Otherwise posting will be a total nightmare; though I do have a "plan b" for non-beta posting.)

While you're at it, scroll down a few posts and find the announcement about the new jblog pix carnival.

With this format, I can't do my jblog visiting. Sorry.

The KCC is more than a recipe carnival. It includes everything about Kosher Cooking and Kashrut, including:
halachik issues
restaurant and book reviews (kosher of course)
memories, funny stories, etc

Please send your links to: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com, or use the blog carnival link on the sidebar


  1. Anonymous28/1/07 10:31

    a sweet shavuah tov muse...i moved to beta a few months ago...and all was well until last week...now for some reason i can't access all my friends...eg val/treppenwitz/sojourner...wonder why...welcome to beta...pessach??? you are already thinking about pessach??? i can't even get over the fact that january is almost over lolol... stay safe my good friend...i love your blog...ps what kind of recipes are you looking for??? i am almost ready to make my own challah...have never worked with shmarim...oy

  2. I've also found that some aren't opening. Do you use explorer or firefox?
    Check out my challah recipe!

  3. Anonymous28/1/07 20:11

    Your foresight is impressive! Pesach on the brain already...

    May I volunteer my services as a teenager with a healthy appetite? :-P

  4. So, you're inviting yourself, Jameel has our number.

  5. Anonymous29/1/07 08:45

    Ah, I guess so :-P

    I've been told that this is an accepted practice of sorts in this country. I hope I haven't been misinformed...

    We'll be in touch, then...

  6. Of course it it, but you'd be our first blogger.


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