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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Two Rachel's

When I think of two Rachel's I think of two mothers murdered by Arab terrorists, Rachella Druk and Rachel Weiss. One just can't control those sorts of word associations. Rachella was a neighbor and a good friend of mine. Rachel Weiss was somone I never knew.

Both were loving mothers. Rachella left seven children, most of whom are now married and parents, themselves. Rachel was holding her three young children in her arms when the bus they were traveling in was firebombed.

I trust that in their safe place in Olam Haba (the Next World) they are following what's happening here in This One, and that they help those in need.

I read on A Bisele Babka that two young Rachel's are missing. G-d willing they will be found safe and sound.

ps In my "jblog awareness neder" I've pledged to try to link/visit jblogs previously unknown to me, so I wish this one was for a happier reason.


  1. Anonymous23/1/07 14:47

    It seems there is an update; there is evidence that the girls went off on their own and were not abducted (according to the blog BB).

  2. Baruch Hashem
    The possibility was alluded to in the linked post.
    G-d willing, they'll get their problems solved.
    It's not easy raising kids, is it?

  3. Anonymous23/1/07 22:33

    Thank you for linking to my blog and helping to get the word out. The girls disappearance is devastating in our community... you never think it can happen to someone you know. We all pray that their outcome is different from Rachel Weiss and Rachella Druk.
    As one of my son's teachers said yesterday morning... "Hold you kids closer."


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