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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Carnival Treats

Yes, this picture is from the Macheneh Yehuda Open Market in Jerusalem. It's hard not to overdose on sugar, just by walking there this time of the year.
For more variety, take a gander at the latest Carnival of Recipes. You're bound to find something good to try.
And pictures, just a reminder to get me your jpix picture links by shilohmuse at yahoo dot com Submissions by Sat 10th of March 12pm, Carnival opening on the Monday 12th March.
And the next Kosher cooking Carnival will be hosted, G-d willing, by the Baleboosteh! Please send in your links and any you see, which would be good for the carnival, either via blog carnival or shilohmuse at yahoo dot com.
Now, off to the dentist, ugh!


  1. OMG!!!

    My parents live near Machane Yehuda so I remember vividly all that yummy junk food. So cheap too.

    And those little yellow tags " 1 shekel" etc. Ahh... memories..

  2. I bought some stuff for Purim on Sunday, then started "shooting."

    There's more stuff in the shuk than you could ever imagine!

  3. Anonymous27/2/07 20:23

    Ah, that's where I have to stop for the rest of my mishloach manot provisions. I already broke into my supply of goodies; it was just too tempting.

  4. This is the holiday one loses control...

  5. Hi Batya,
    I have sent you a couple of emails about the KCC, I am just wondering if you have received them or not?

  6. sorry, b, no I didn't


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