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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Doing it all? Not me!

My yahoo inbox has a couple of dozen letters, which I just haven't gotten to read or take care of. That's besides the clutter in my house. But here I am, it's 5:30am, and I'm sipping my morning coffee while blogging.

Still no comments about this afternoon's plan to go to the book fair. If you're there today and see a middle-aged, hatted lady schlepping a large "pocketbook" on wheels, that's me...

Considering all, I guess that this is the perfect time for some "visiting..."

Nuch Epes Ah Chosid asks "Is Blog-sphere Ruled by Heretics?" I was shocked to read the post, since I see such wonderful stuff in jblogs.

If you haven't yet heard about the rediculous lawsuit against orthomom, read this and give her your support. It shows that there are people who think we bloggers have great power--I wish!

Soccer Dad shows some great snow scenes, which point out how pathetic our snow falls are in comparison.

Dry Bones is brilliant, as always!

Read Hillary, Rudy and the blogosphere and you from the Beak.

Ezzie wonders who has connections with him and Serach, pre-blogging. Concerning Serach... wow, she's from a well-known clan.

Yitz put up a new post!

Joe Settler asks a very important question.

Refuah Shleimah to Sarah's mother.

Here's a new jblog for me:
Read Save the Donuts by the Jew & the Carrot.

From Mystical Paths, about the Sanhedrin.

Finally, I'll "'spain you Marallyn," the world never stopped hating Jews!


  1. thanks for the link. all the support from bloggers has been great.

  2. Great links, if I may say so myself.

  3. My pleasure, especially, davka the two of you who have helped me so much with my blogs! Thank you both again!

  4. Batya thanks for the links.

  5. Anonymous22/2/07 08:42

    thanks for chosing to link to me again it's an honor

    Thanks for your comment and kind words of encouragement coming straight from Yerushalyim and Eretz Yisroel.

    I do agree with you too... there are many nice g-d fearing bloggers, who are true to our Torah and mesora, (in fact i have intentionally put a question mark on the title of this post)

    But the way blogging works, u link from on to the other, and before you now it you are reading the worst pathetic ugly heretic post..

    so I felt it's important to point this out and bring attention to the g-d fearing among the bloggers to be more careful what we read.

    I hope that this post and bringing public attention to this issue will help the matter iy"h.

  6. my sincere pleasure

    Actually, since I've gotten involved in the jblogsphere, I've been very happy with a lot of the stuff I read. In my early blogging days, it was much worse, since I didn't know where to find anything good.

    What may be a good addition is a "frum"jrant.


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