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Friday, February 02, 2007

Strange Erev TU b'Shvat sights

While I was hanging out the wash this morning, I saw a strange sight. It was a purple iris in bloom, rather precocious, weeks before I'd expect it. Of course I had to take its picture.
And while I was out, especially since it's the eve of TU B'Shvat, considered the Holiday of the Trees, symbolized by the almond blossoms, I just had to take a picture of almond blossoms, but my usual tree was bare!

How could it be? An early iris and a late almond, just meters apart? Maybe since that almond tree is slightly higher than that iris? The other irises nearby show no signs of flowers. Rather peculiar, I'd say.
Then I walked back to the sidewalk the iris decorates and saw some almond blossoms in the neighbor's yard.
חג ט"ו בשבט-חג השילוני--שמח
Have a Happy TU B'Shvat--The Shiloh Holiday!
We're celebrating 29 years since we've returned to the Holy City of Shiloh!!


  1. That IS a beautiful flower!!

  2. thank G-d, of course

    24 years ago, first fall after top soil was brought to our first, temporary Shiloh home, I bought some iris rhyzomes and then they were dug out and transfered to this garden.


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