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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

all norishkeit, no?

What am I doing here? Does anyone really care or read this?

There are more blogs on my sidebar; take a gander.

I haven't sent out any of my long, serious pieces for a couple of weeks. It's not like I'm not writing. you can see here or Shiloh Musings. But it is a writer's block of sorts.

I like I keep saying the same thing over and over in different ways, but I don't have any real influence. So I write about more mundane things. I'm not going to send around something that's not well-written and profound in one way or another.
Or have I just been eating too much Purim Sugar Food?


  1. Just post pictures then. Your photography is the reason why I visit so often.

  2. Wow!
    Thank you. So that digital camera is worth its hefty weight in gold, as the saying goes.
    thanks again!

  3. Anonymous7/3/07 18:02

    PLEASE keep posting!
    It is always interesting to see what you think about things, I "jump" for a visit when I am at the computer making lists (and more lists and more lists...) of classes, grades, books etc.

  4. keep posting! i'm still reading although being away from home means i have no schedule so i can't always comment.
    hopefully after pesach i'll be back to normal (sort of).

  5. I think I can speak for most of us when I say that your not alone on the "just been eating too much Purim Sugar Food"
    Usedta hoard the chocolate, now I cant even think about 'em.

  6. Thanks so much for all the support and kind words. I'm rather shocked. I was sure that this post would just sort of fade away.

    Thanks again!


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