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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The morning after...

cloudy dawn
... after Purim, of course! After Shiloh Purim, which is a two-day affair!

The kids and grandkids came over. I served "Italian Gefilte Fish." Yes, don't worry, I'll blog the recipe, just not at this minute.

Today is a return to the "real world," to work. One of my classes is supposed to have a test, but will they remember the material? I also have to compose the test.

And I have to get rid of all the nosherai and the extra fat put on from all the temptation I couldn't resist.

Enough with all this norishkeit!
morning moon


  1. Great moon picture.
    I loved PUrim but one day was enough for me.

  2. Thanks, prag'
    Both pictures were taken at the same time, just different directions.


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