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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Out of the loop, in the loop, jump through the loop

Rather lopsided, I'd say.

Well, after my panic searching for the jblogging bb's, yitz sent me in a good direction to a blog I hadn't heard of but I guess I ought to know now. It's Ploni Baloney.

There's all sorts of jblog news and whatever on it. All sorts of kvetches about the JIBS, those awards. Funny, I liked the rejected blog central ones. I actually did well in them. And I didn't cheat. Honestly, with blogs so ignored as mine, how could I?

Now, I still need to know what to do with this month's KCC, since the Baleboosteh was working on it, and I won't have time to do more than bare minimum. Pesach's coming.

Enough of this norishkeit. Bed time for me!


  1. Oh my.

    The underbelly of the Jewish blog world is something I wasn't expecting.

  2. Human nature, for sure. How sad.
    BB has been helping with the best of intentions...


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