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Thursday, March 01, 2007

sitting around, fasting and visiting

Today I'm a cheap date, no food. It's Ta'anit Esther, the Fast of Esther. Two hours to go.

Now to try to take my mind off of things.
We'll start with Jacob's new Joke Blog.
Here's a must read from West Bank Mama, Is It OK to Wait For A Bus?
A Bissle Babke writes a very good article about teaching, Labeling Children.
Some words of wisdom from Dad Talk.

--There seems to be a problem with the blogger comments, so some posts I wanted to comment on will just have to live without--

It has been years since I've read a "parenting book," as my baby is 23 years already, so I really enjoyed seeing A Mother in Israel's list of recommended books.
Marallyn did it! Find out what!
~Sarah~ asks us to please continue to say Tehillim/prayers for Gittel Chava bat Pesia.
Eve Harrow is blogging; hat tip to my husband.
Read Cosmic X's great post about Eretz Yisrael.
The Beak Speaks about India.
For those who want to participate in the Jblog Purim Special, visit ezzie for details.
Check Jewish Blogmeister for what's new on the jmusic scene.


  1. my pleasure
    glad the news is good

  2. thanks for the link! Now I need to check out all the other links!

  3. My pleasure
    That's the idea; get to know each other!


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