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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Siyat D'Shmaya and Refuah Shleimah

Sometimes, it seems like we're not in control; G-d is. That's a simple definition of "Siyat D'Shmaya."

The other day, when I was waiting for a bus or ride to leave Shiloh, I heard friends talking about an ill neighbor, who's in a hospice. One of them had visited her and said that it's best not to do it alone, since it's rather upsetting. So I said:

"Let's go together on our day off."

And that's what we planned for today, to meet and go there after my "dip" in the pool.

So this morning I went down to wait for a ride to the pool. That's always stressful, since sometimes I end up waiting a long time, and the trip can be complicated in multiple stages.

After just a couple of minutes a car came going to Jerusalem, and I started getting in. I heard honking and turned around. I could see a neighbor trying to tell me something. She used to take me to the pool, but this year she had an everyday morning job.

It did seem clear that she was speaking to me. Could she really be saying:
"Braicha, pool?"

I got out and went to her car door. Yes, she was going to the pool. Baruch Hashem, thank G-d, we went. On the way I told her that I was planning to visit the sick neighbor, and she decided that she did, too and we'd go after the pool. So I called the other neighbor to tell her that I'd be going earlier and we'd meet at the hospice.

The pool was great, pretty empty between the rain and being pre-Pesach, so there were no lines for the showers.

We went off to the hospice, found it easily, went in and asked for our friend.
"We sent her to the hospital this morning; she wasn't feeling well, " the staff told us.

So please doven Refuah Shleimah for her and another friend who needs your prayers:
Chassida Rut bat Sarah
and Gnaidel Malka bat Michleh,

Tizku l'Mitzvot
May you merit more mtizvot

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