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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wild jblog Purim at the Mukata and Ezzie's!

At this very moment, I'm looking oops! listening to the brilliant work of Jameel and Ezzie, who organized the very first Jblog Purim Podcast.

I highly doubt if my pathetic voice message will be included, since I didn't really understand what to do. OK, next time!

But in the meantime, please remember to send me your jpix picture links for the next jpix carnival. And send the baleboosteh your kosher food links for the Kosher Cooking Carnival. We'd appreciate it. If you see anything suitable on the jblogsphere, please sent them, too.

In the meantime,
Purim Sameach + Shushan Purim Sameach = Shiloh Purim Sameach!


  1. Anonymous5/3/07 01:38

    I'm just curious. My hebrew's not great, but does the hebrew on that sign really read "Happy Purim"? Why is it written in English in Hebrew letters and in Hebrew in Enlish letters?

  2. You got it right! and the reason is, that IT'S PURIM!
    Na Hafochu! Reverse it!

  3. Anonymous5/3/07 06:42

    :) Ok, that's fun.

  4. If you love Purim, then Shiloh's the place for you!

  5. Anonymous6/3/07 04:34

    :) First I need to get to Israel. It does look like a really nice, small town (And that's coming from the girl from a town with no stop lights)

  6. Anonymous6/3/07 04:59

    הפי פורים טו יו
    פרום די דיפעסט אוו מיי הרט
    טו אלל די רעזידעטנס
    אוו שילה

    a freiichen purim
    and a freilichen Tomid

  7. Emily, yes, it's a small town on a holy hill with a Biblical view and past. It's like no place else on earth!


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