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Thursday, April 05, 2007

good news, bad news and more visiting

The good news is that my freezer freezes really well.
The bad news is that my freezer freezes really well, so well that it takes too long for the food to thaw out!

So instead of doing batch #2 of Gefilte Fish and some other cooking for Shabbat, I'm going to blog.

Visiting, batch #2, (and here's #1) for today:

Update on ~Sarah's~ mother, please keep dovening for Gittel Chava bat Pesia.

Check out that new banner on Baleboosteh and the first of her new series on local mailboxes.

See inside a Guantanamo Bay Prison Cell on Bagel Blogger.

tnspr569 muses on his future.

Chag Pesach Sameach! from Jew-ish.

Read the Babka Nosher's seder saga. Life's sure much easier here.

SWFM tells of the wonderful seder she attended.

Amy W. from Alaska blogs about a local hero, who helped bring illegal immigrants to pre-State Israel.

Read the miscellaneous rants from Ari.

Thank God We Live in A Generation Where People Eat Bread on Pessah! a shiur on Tsmicha.com

Everything about Matisyahu on blogger! Did you know that?

That's it for now! I hope the ground fish has thawed out, so I can make more gefilte fish and the ground meat for meatballs. I should have taken a walk instead of blogged, but...

And before I forget, if you post about kosher food, Pesach food etc, including pictures, customs and yes, even recipes, please send the link for the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Mail to: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival. The next one will be hosted by the Baleboosteh.


  1. You're not putting it out on the counter again are you? LOL!! We're going away for Shabbat. . .

  2. Hope you are having a great Pesach! I am living off of the Israeli chocolates I bought. YUM!

  3. mii, believe me; it wouldn't thaw in the fridge until Lag B'Omer!

    stacey, you know that chocolate is a bean, so they're really healthy vegetables!


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