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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I missed the Bible Contest

I usually get to my cousin's home during the last round of the International Bible Quiz on Yom Ha'Atzma'ut, but this year I didn't. Too bad, since there was a very interesting little incident.

The winner seemed upset, so upset that he was called to the judges' section. What bothered him so? As he was going over the questions and answers, he had already given, in his mind he realized that he hadn't answered something 100% correct. Therefore he wanted the points to be deleted from his score.

The judges tried to explain to him that according to their criteria, his answer was acceptable. I admire that level of moral standards.

I spent the day at my cousin's and I enjoyed seeing the younger generation getting along.

I bought them all little arts and crafts kits, consisting of an unlined notebook, crayons and sparkly glue. As you can see, our granddaughters played together beautifully.

Watching our own children getting along and the next generation was the best way of celebrating the holiday.


  1. FWIW, my cousin's husband is the producer of the Chidon.

  2. Wow! I'm impressed.
    I was told that a section of the questions was filmed in Shiloh.


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