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Friday, April 27, 2007

There are a few lessons to be learned.

MIT, one of America's most prestigious colleges, has just discovered that the Dean of Admissions lied when she applied for her first job there 28 years ago.

It's one of those could have been a book nightmares. Everyone's embarrassed, not only the unlucky dean. Apparently, she really was a dream dean, who did a lot not only for MIT, but for high school students all over.

Could she have gotten her original job sans degree? Nobody remembers. I mean, 28 years ago was a long time ago. If her entry job was secretarial, there's a chance that she could have, but considering the competition we baby-boomers had in those days... It was hard to get jobs without degrees.

But considering that nobody checked and she needed no proof, then how much of a requirement could it have been?

Another point.
In terms of doing a job well, are university diplomas all that important? Some people just have natural smarts and pick up lots more on the job. One of my cousins became a Vice President of a big company, and she was originally a high school drop out. School was a bore for her.

When she began working in that company, she started studying in college part time, since she understood that she'd need an MBA to be promoted to where she wanted to go. Then she was promoted above it before she finished studying. There was nothing she had to learn in college. She learned quicker on the job.

I only got my teachers license after teaching for a couple of years.

I wonder what will happen to that woman....


  1. Anonymous27/4/07 21:08

    I've mentioned this before in comments to other blogs, that many frum yidden mostly among the chasidish and yeshivish crowds have succeeded and building up successful businesses with out any diplomas. just their gemoreh kup. of course with Siyata Dishamya!
    or as they say in yiddish, when hashem gives "A bisele Mazel"!

  2. We watched the movie Catch Me if You Can, recently about the man who pretended to be an airline pilot and a lawyer and a professor and more.

    I feel bad for her.

  3. nuch, good points. Also it has been shown that when yeshiva guys use their leaning skills to learn other professions, it's a snap.

    wendy, wasn't there also something about a doctor who wasn't really a doctor in the news recently?

    alex, sure, I'm game. What are the details?


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