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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Time for some quick visits

I've been so busy this week, with what--no idea, that I haven't been visiting any blogs. Ok, I was at a funeral and two shiva calls and work and babysitting and a wedding. is that a lot? For some people, it isn't. I've done other things, too.

So, now let's see...

Let's start with Tzu G-D and Tzu Leit from nuch ah chosid.

Dry Bones is just perfect; here and here!

Great pic by cos'.

Chodesh Iyyar Tov from yaak.

My banners-creator, ~Sarah~, did a new one for herself. Wow!

tnspr569 is back home in Israel! It is home, isn't it?

Read Saved by a Song, at yitz's.

Is Yossi Beilin a Nazi or an Arab? An important question by Joe Settler.

Are Your Tax Dollars Funding Terrorism? by west bank mama.

Irina's elected....

See the old farm gates on baleboosteh.

Here's some challah talk from kmelion.

That's it for now.

Chodesh Tov!


  1. Thanks for the link. BTW, the picture is of Nachal Zin as seen from Ben Gurion's grave.

  2. Thanks for the link - and the great round-up! I wish I had more time to visit and link, but the last few days have been hectic!

  3. thanks

    my pleasure

    I also did less this week, and next week will also be busy!

  4. Anonymous20/4/07 09:53

    thanks for the link, your kindness knows no limit. and your roundups are always interesting.

    Actually i had a very busy week, and am taken back a bit that the readers didnt really get what i was trying to tell them in that post. and i didnt have the patience and time to sit down and reply to the comment and explain myself better.

    did you understand what I was trying to say

  5. thanks,

    about the post I linked

    It's deep, and I've always been the type of person who has tried to please G-d and pre-BT, what I considered moral.

    My Kehati translation is different. In Kehati it's Chapter 3 Mishne 10, and it says:

    He in whom the mind of mankind find pleasure, in him the mind of G-d finds pleasure. But in he whom the mind of mankind finds, no pleasure, in him the mind of G-d finds no pleasure.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.