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Saturday, April 07, 2007

Too much food

Not only have I eaten too much food, but my husband bought too much and I've cooked too much. It's hard to get used to the empty nest.

Yesterday, when I was preparing the salmon for broiling, it suddenly hit me. We have more than enough food cooked, and I even made my second batch of gefilte fish. So who needs salmon? Since it was already thawed, I couldn't return it to the freezer.

Today, Shabbat, I went to two shiurim, classes, about Shir HaShirim, Song of Songs by King Solomon. The first was for women, and the second for all. At the end of that one, one of my friends invited us to "Se'udat Shlihit," the third Sabbat meal. I happily accepted the invitation, and .... guess what we brought...
Yes, the salmon!


  1. Anonymous8/4/07 01:46

    Just so you should know that people are reading what you write.. The salmon sounds wonderful. I am still making variations on your 2 pot soup.
    Moadim L'Simcha!
    sara g

  2. sara g, thanks so much, good to know
    chag sameach

  3. I'm so envious that you get to go to shiurim each week... not an option with 2 little ones. Our shul has a great study session once a month or so following services. I usually let the Hubby go. Save me a bit of your gefilte fish! All i have at home right now is the jarred kind. :P

  4. ...nosher, well, we started our women's class 25 years ago when we were all young mothers. The hubbies had to babysit in most families. It helped that we were in a small isolated spot. We even used to bring quiet nursing babies at times. Now the originals are all grandmothers, and a few younger women have joined.


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