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Monday, May 07, 2007

It's like living in a clothes dryer

We have been having "chamsin" weather. It's like living in a clothes dryer. Really.

Hot, dry and windy.

and I'm not functioning. Can't function in the winter, nor the summer.

And it's just spring. We had mud rain. Everything is filthy. I hope that we get one final good clean rain before it's really summer. Must clean off the solar collectors which heats the water.

Hungry, time to eat.

Sorry about the kvetching.


  1. It's bad, isn't it??? My students couldn't think today, and I didn't blame them or try to push them too much. You could see it in their faces......it was like looking in a mirror cuz I know they looked how I felt. so I gave them a break. :)Hang in there......

  2. Ooooh I feel bad for you those are horrid hope the weather lets up.

  3. I had a laugh at reading your comment on "can't live with the winter, can't live with the summer."
    I so often say that too. Our winters though are probably hotter than your summers so I really shouldn't whine.
    Hope you survive the oppressiveness of the weather.
    Read a few of your posts and got a good chuckly in places. Thank you.
    Here via Carnival of FL.
    Megan from Down Under.

  4. No, kvetch! When we lived in Israel for a year there was a chamsin the day of my son's bar mitzvah. We woke up at 5:00 in the morning to air that was green in Yerushalayim. Had the service inside at the kotel. All of our pictures, inside and out are tinged sepia. Crazy.

  5. Hi Batya,
    hope the weather improves soon. Some nice clean rain sounds like a good thing!

    BTW, on reading Megans comment, Queensland winters here in Australia are much much cooler than summer in Israel! Unless QLD suddenly gets 40 degree winter days! Lol!

  6. emah s
    last week during a test I kept sending one of the students out to put cold water on his face!

    swfm, thanks
    Nothing we can do!

    megan, thanks
    I think it's an age problem. My thermostat stopped working. I can't adjust to the weather any more. Nothing ever bothered me when I was young.

    doc, green air? Never saw that, but spring air is yellow and sandy. I've learned not to hang out the wash when it is.

    I used to think that Israel's weather was perfect. It hasn't changed; I've just gotten older, and many places are centrally heated and cooled.

    Is it that hot by you? Or are you telling me about someplace else?

  7. It's miserable, isn't it? And this is only the beginning!

    I can't function during these Israeli summers either. Winters are fine, but summers sap every ounce of energy.

    Our car is just covered with dirt from last week's dust storms and tiny bits of rain. Gotta wash it!

  8. dust and dirt
    that's spring here

    Your winters are warmer than ours. I can't take the winters either. Guess I don't function very well.


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