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Sunday, May 27, 2007

summer sunrise

Yes, I know that this picture looks impressive, but it didn't look that great "in person."

It's all in the "timing."

It starts with a white sky, and if you're lucky, you'll catch the yellow sun before it takes over. The winter sunrise is much prettier, and the summer sunsets have great color, but the summer sunrise isn't worth getting up extra early. By chance, I was up and saw it.


  1. G-d's work, not mine.

  2. the sunrise is the work of Hashem but you did have a hand in getting such great composition of this image.

  3. Honestly, though it may sound strange, I think of talents as gifts from G-d. When I compare my recent photos to the ones I took as a very young child, I see how effortlessly I composed then...

  4. Anonymous27/5/07 13:53

    I've often commented to my husband, as we're driving home or heading somewhere, about how the winter sky has much more character than the summer sky.

    The natural light in the summer tends to be flat.

  5. Summer dawns don't compare with winter, and winter sunsets are more interesting, because of the clouds and humidity.


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