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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

getting busy

It's Wed. morning, and the week is coming to a close.

I have to start working hard to fill my time, since, as a teacher, I have summer vacation, and I don't want to stay home eating. Pool time is restricted, and it gets boring to just go there.

One of the advantages of being a female teacher in an all boys school is that I don't go on school trips. All I have to do is teach. My 9th grade is on their annual 4-day trip this week, and they're the only class still studying. This year I was lucky in my timing and manged to squeeze in the final test for the 10th grade on what may be their last day of school. Any other lessons will just be movies.

Today I'll go to Jerusalem with a friend, from a different yishuv and school, who also teaches boys, and her students have a school trip. We studied for our teachers license together and haven't met for years. She has had two more babies, since we last saw each other.

Tomorrow is our monthly trip to Kever Rachel. Who knows what adventures await.

I also have to start inviting people for Shabbat meals.

Getting late already!


  1. shalom muse...give a good word for me too at rachel's tomb...you are brave...wanna meet for coffee one day soon? i'd love it

  2. bli neder
    I just hope we get in and out without something to write about.

    Yes, coffee next week, b'ezrat Hashem!

  3. Muse
    when you go to Jerusalem can you stop by Dr Lek and pick me up some ice cream

  4. Where is it?
    And if I eat it, will you get the calories?


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