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Thursday, June 07, 2007

I found it!

All day I've been searching every room, shelf etc for a certain hat. After doing an entire round, I'd go back and look at it all from a different angle. I want to wear the hat tomorrow, so I guess I should be proud that I searched today... or I would have had to wear something else.

I've ironed the skirt, and I "did" my nails with a polish that just shines, so if my nails chip, it won't be too obvious.

There's lots to do tomorrow. The head of the pool says that everything's ready for the big day. G-d willing, I'll be the first one in, and probably I'll be the first one out, since I have to rush to Jerusalem.

I haven't yet told you what we're doing. I'll let you know post facto. Need to keep us some suspense.

I just have to find some earrings for my daughter. Three of my hats are packed for her to choose from.

It would be a good idea to cook the side dishes for Shabbat, since there won't be all that much time when we get home.

OK, spellcheck and then off.


  1. Anonymous7/6/07 21:12

    I should be in Jerusalem tomorrow. We could always say goodbye then, assuming it works with your schedule.

    In any case, Shabbat Shalom!

  2. Sorry, I don't think it'll work out.
    Can't believe you're going so soon. We'll meet up again. G-d willing I'll be in NY this summer, and at some point, you'll return to Israel!


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