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Monday, July 02, 2007


Fasting, yes tomorrow is the 17th of Tammuz, and it's a fast day.

I can't remember what the trick is, eat lots of protein or eat lots of carbohydrates.

Yes, of course, I have to drink more water.

Tzom Kal, have an easy fast.


  1. We're of the "carbo-loading" camp. We figure, it works for the marathon runners, so there must be something to it.

    I usually make pasta before a fast. Also, drink plenty on the day(s) before, and try to go off caffeine.

    My husband quits caffeine a few days before 17 Tamuz, and doesn't go back on it until after Yom Kippur. He has done this for at least 15 years.

    Have a meaningful fast, and an otherwise pleasant week!

  2. Oops, then I'm in trouble. I had more than usual caffeine yesterday. But I did have some oatmeal, made parve in the microwave, after the pool. I added some jam to "cool" it.

    I tried to drink water, but it has been tasting "funny."



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