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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

KCC and general update

Mother in Israel has done a great job on the 20th Kosher Cooking Carnival. G-d willing, we'll have a reason to celebrate on the 9th of Av, rather than fast and mourn. She has some great posts up, besides KCC, so take a gander.

I'm in the Great Neck Public Library right now, 46 minutes to go and I'm a Cinderella, back to being sans internet.

I also still don't have a cellphone number, since the one I was using, sorrry, supposed to use isn't activated.

My sister an niece are with me; they'll be back to AZ tomorrow.

I've hear rumours that Bush wants to destroy Israel, though he doesn't quite say it, I haven't heard news since I left my house.

The flight was crowded, an old El Al plane. Two toilets were taped shut, out of order. Crew and service OK, food, too. I had so much trouble getting into my seat, had to plop "rear first."

Took a 4pm flight out, long day, but actually, first time ever no jet lag!!! I went to bed after midnight, which was mid-morn Israel time. I had napped a bit on the plane, then walked miles in JFK. I took one of those "sleep hormones," mela-something both nights and slept a normal amount for me.

Yesterday, I went to the city in the afternoon with my niece and met up with 2 of my kids and my sister for dinner. We walked from Penn Station to the upper west side via 5th avenue and central park. The American Doll store/hospital has fine public toilets, 5th and high 50's before the disney store. I estimate 3 miles of walking at least, then we took the subway down and walked from the LIRR station to my parents via Hagen Daz, mint chip and mocha coffee for me.

Dinner was at something called ESTIHANNAH, a kosher sushi place on 79th near Amsterdam, delicious food. I had braised tuna, and everyone else had sushi. We also had eggrolls and some noodles in peanut sauce. I recommend the place!

That's it for now!


  1. glad that you're having a good time.
    Bush? idiot.

  2. Anonymous19/7/07 01:49

    Estihanna is such a great restaurant! Glad you're enjoying the trip!

  3. Anonymous20/7/07 23:08

    welcome to the big (rotten)apple! enjoy your stay

  4. thanks, y'all
    lots of restaurant food, and estihanna is the best of them

  5. Anonymous2/1/08 05:01

    I went to Estihanna and it was amazing! loved it!!

  6. Glad you agree!

    It has the BEST sushi. I finally had some great sushi here in Israel at the Taverna.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.